Jimmy Iovine

  • 网络艾欧文;约文
Jimmy IovineJimmy Iovine
  1. And with that deal , bring recorder mogul Jimmy Iovine into its corporate ranks .


  2. The company may also offer a course tailored specifically to employees of Beats , perhaps including its founders , Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine .


  3. It is the first significant music product launched by Apple since it paid $ 3bn to buy Beats Electronics from Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine last year .


  4. That would make it Apple 's biggest acquisition since the $ 3bn purchase of Beats Electronics , the audio group founded by Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine , in 2014 .


  5. Calling it a " revolutionary music service , " legendary music industry figure Jimmy Iovine took the stage at the company 's annual conference for developers to unveil what had been widely expected ahead of the event .


  6. The acquisition still bemuses many Apple analysts , but in Jimmy Iovine and Dr Dre , Beats " founders , Mr Cook has instantly regained credibility with the music industry after years of neglecting the iTunes download store .


  7. Apple AAPL - 0.61 % , as the company is wont to do , has said little about whether its acquisition was driven by talent ( namely co-founders Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre ) , technology , or something else entirely .


  8. Apple is closing in on its largest ever acquisition with the planned $ 3.2bn purchase of Beats Electronics , the headphone maker and music streaming operator founded by music producer Jimmy Iovine and the hip-hop star Dr Dre .
